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Password must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least one number, one uppercase character, and one lowercase character.
All users must create an applicant profile in order to apply for open positions at Phoenix Children's Hospital.
All applicants:
If you're a first time applicant or have not submitted an application in 2013, you will need to register as a new applicant. Once completed, your profile will be stored and will be able to be copied when you apply for other positions in the future. Registration requires a valid email address so that we will be able to communicate with you. Once registered, you may check the status of your application at any time. The system updates daily to track your progress.
Internal applicants:
An internal applicant is defined as a paid employee of Phoenix Children’s Hospital.
**Please note that Sodexo, Trident and volunteer applicants are not considered "internal employees".**
As an internal employee when you apply for a position you agree that you meet the following criteria, that you have been in your position for a minimum of 6 months, that you are in good standing with your department (no write ups), and that you have verbally notified your manager that you are seeking a new position. Once you have applied to a position and are being considered, your director will receive a computer generated email notifying them of your application.